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Holidays in Venice: a gondola ride along the Grand Canal

The Grand Canal is, one might say, the main street of Venice. But this is not an ordinary street in our understanding, because, as you know, in Venice people move not on asphalt, but on water - or rather, along canals. So, the Grand Canal is the main one in this city, and it was not created by people - it is an absolutely natural channel. Walking along it, the tourist has a great opportunity to admire the luxurious palaces and beautiful churches, so it is simply necessary to visit here at least once in your life!

You can conduct a tour of Venice, which consists of a walk along the Grand Canal, both on your own and with the help of our company.

If you decide to organize your excursion without anyone's help, then you are better off using the vaporetto, as this is a cheaper option, but if your financial resources allow you, then you can also opt for a gondola.

If you still choose the vaporetto, you can use the Linea 1 or Linea 2. The trip on the Linea 1 vaporetto will last for forty minutes, and on the Linea 2 about thirty minutes.

Booking a gondola ride on the Grand Canal with our company, you will have a great opportunity to explore the many sights of Venice, and during the tour you will be accompanied by a guide. For example, you will see Mozart's house, the La Fenice theater, and the guide will tell interesting stories about gondolas and gondoliers. In principle, the guide will tell the participants of the tour about all the sights that you will meet on the way.

Your path will pass by the Church of Santa Maria della Salute, the Peggy Guggenheim collection, the beautiful palaces of Ca-Dolphin, the Palazzo Grimani and others.

As part of the tour along the Grand Canal, you will see Punta de la Dogana, St. Mark's Basin, and after that, your path will lie in Campo San Mois. At the end of the tour, you will be given a QR code to download a digital map with 2D images of Venice.

Important: If you opt for the shared tour, in addition to the half-hour gondola ride on the Grand Canal, you will have the opportunity to walk around the city with a guide for another twenty minutes.

The cost of this tour is from 45 euros per person. You can find out all the details on how to book a tour to Venice and purchase a gondola tour of the Grand Canal from our managers.