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Prado Museum in Madrid

You can't be in Madrid and not visit the Prado Museum! This museum is perfectly familiar to absolutely every connoisseur of art, and in terms of attendance it ranks first among all museums in the world.

You can visit the museum on your own while in Madrid. It is only important to know in which part of the Spanish capital it is located.

The Prado Museum is located in that part of Madrid called the old city, where many other attractions of the Spanish capital are concentrated. Why did the museum get this name? It's simple: it is located on a street called Paseo del Prado. You can get to it with the help of public transport, which runs regularly here. For example, you can get to the Prado Museum using the metro (landmark - Atocha station). After that, you will need to walk about 300-350 meters. Also, the Prado Museum can be reached by buses 9, 10, 14, 27, 34, 35.

And now a little about what you can see in the museum itself. The first collection of exhibits in the Prado Museum appeared during the reign of King Charles V, and continued to grow under the Bourbons and the Habsburgs. The museum itself began to be built under King Charles III, but it began to work only when Charles VII began to rule the country. In 1819, the opening of the museum took place - then it already had 311 works of art.

During the civil war, paintings from the Prado Museum were moved to Switzerland. By 1936, the museum began to work again, but not all the paintings returned to it - some works remained in Geneva.

Today in the Prado Museum you can see paintings by artists such as El Greco, Ribera, Raphael, Botticelli, Bosch, Rubens and many others. If we talk about the most important and valuable exhibits that are stored in the collection of the Prado Museum, then these are, of course, Velazquez's Las Meninas, Bosch's Garden of Earthly Delights, El Greco's The Nobleman with a Hand on His Chest, Raphael's Cardinal, etc.

Currently, the collection of the Prado Museum has about eight thousand exhibits.

In addition to visiting the Prado Museum in Madrid on your own, you can do this as part of an excursion offered by our company. This tour costs from 30 euros per person. By ordering this tour from our managers, you will receive a ticket with direct access to the Prado Museum, where you can see with your own eyes those valuable exhibits that we have listed above, as well as many others.

You can book a tour to Madrid on our website, and our managers will tell you in detail about the trip and the opportunity to get on an excursion to the famous Prado Museum.